Local information of Dhaka: Bangladesh
Bangladesh is located in the easternmost point of the Indian subcontinent that is adjacent to India and Myanmar. Though it is as large as the Hokkaido of Japan, the land area is a country very high population density population 60 million and 100 million people.
Attention in Bangladesh began in Japan only recently showered here.
Image, such as assistance with "NGO" poorest countries in Asia, "until it has had preceded, the country itself called" Bangladesh "become Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize has pioneered begins attention underneath.
Economic development in Bangladesh is proceeding at a significant speed. GDP ranking in terms of purchasing power parity in 2011, Bangladesh has been ranked one of the 45 indicators. While the year was 25,000, the number of refrigerators that are sold in Bangladesh in 2005, 3,000,000 units per year in 2012 has been sold, the height of the purchasing power of this figure suggests.
From the fact that Bangladesh had been included in the Next11 Goldman Sachs announced in December 2005, since the advance of apparel Japanese manufacturers were numerous in 2008 attracted the attention of the world, Bangladesh from Japanese companies interest has grown as a business.